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- A Day in the Life of a Volunteer | Bukit Lawang Trust
A Day in the Life of a BLT Volunteer David Bromley: Orangutan Cycle 2025 Volunteer 07:00 - Breakfast I am staying in off-site accommodation, so I arrive at the Trust around 07:30 and prepare my breakfast of Indomie noodles with a fried egg and a mug of fresh coffee. The Trust does provide breakfast essentials, but most volunteers buy their own and store it in the shared kitchen. 08:20 - First Lesson I have been assigned to the EFL programme and my first lesson today is at a high school in Bohorok which is 15 minutes away. Arya drives the bike while I sit on the back. The lesson starts at 08:40 and our students are 16-17 years old. After a brief warm up and energizer we provide the lesson that we planned in the Trust office the previous day. The students are well behaved and engaged throughout the lesson and we play a fun game for the last 10 minutes. The lesson finishes at 09:30 and after buying some fresh snacks from the school tuck shop we head back to the Trust. 10:00 - Office Time Back at the Trust, Arya and I will discuss the lesson and offer each other feedback. I then have the rest of the morning to work on my Hub Project. There are lots of things that need doing at the Trust and I have volunteered to update the website. Formatting and optimizing the site for mobile devices occupies me for the rest of the morning. 12:00 - Lunch At noon everyone heads down to the kitchen where Ka Wati, the Trust cook, has lunch laid out on the table. Lunch is different every day but it is always excellent. Today there are four dishes to choose from, pineapple curry, fish in sambal, tempe goreng, some boiled greens and of course, all the rice you could ever want. I like to eat my lunch sat on one of the benches by the front door. The afternoon session doesn’t start until 14:00 so after I have eaten and washed by plate I collect my dry laundry from the roof terrace and walk back to my home stay to relax outside my room with an ice tea and my Kindle. 14:00 - Lesson Planning After lunch I return feeling refreshed and Arya and I begin to plan our lesson for later that afternoon. The lesson is for adults who have a low level of English. The planning and preparation of resources takes around an hour. 16:00 - Second Lesson The adult English lesson is held in the Trust library, so Arya and I take our laptops and whiteboard markers downstairs and check that the library is tidy. We then wait outside for our students to arrive. With adult lessons you never know who is going to turn up and this week we have four regular plus two new students. They are all young women from the local community. We start the lesson with a quick energetic game which the students always enjoy. We then sit down and do the lesson. 17:00 - End of Work Day It was a hot day with no rain, so six of us went into Bukit Lawang on three bikes to cool off in the river. The river was flowing quite fast but this didn’t stop the local kids, Trust staff and younger volunteers diving into the water from a large rock. I am not a strong swimmer so I just sat near the edge and let the fresh flowing water cool me down. 19:00 - Dinner After drying and changing in my room I met with a few volunteers and staff to go for dinner. Juma Juma is a lovely restaurant situated in the rice fields and is a short walk from the Trust. My meal and fresh juice cost around 50k IDR (£2.50). We chatted, played cards and enjoyed our food while admiring the evening light over the rice fields and jungle mountains. 21:00 - Relax After dinner I returned to my room to relax with some music and to send some messages to my friends and family at home. I then went to bed looking forward to my next day as a volunteer at the Trust.
- Ulasan | Bukit Lawang Trust
Unlike many sustainable development charities, our focus is on the Personal Development of our volunteers as well as the vital conservation and education work that we do. Our Reviews are testament to that ethos! Ulasan Relawan Apa kata Relawan kami Tidak seperti banyak badan amal pembangunan berkelanjutan, fokus kami adalah pada Pengembangan Pribadi sukarelawan kami serta pekerjaan konservasi dan pendidikan penting yang kami lakukan. Ulasan kami adalah bukti etos itu! "It was one of the best experiences of my life! It's a fantastic experience and by the end of the 8 weeks you are like a family. I have made friends for life. " Tom, ESL volunteer, 2023 "If you are looking for adventure, to shake things up...get amazing diverse range of experiences...I'd recommend it very highly. I have a sense of gratitude for the whole experience. Yash, Eco-farming and ESL volunteer, 2023 "It's been absolutely unforgettable...the most incredible experience that I have ever had. You will make such a difference. There's incredible support here from the team who are so passionate about what they do..." Rachel, ESL volunteer, 2022 Got a Question? We would love to hear from you! You can email us at info@bukitlawangtrust.org APPLY NOW
- Keseharian di Trust | Bukit Lawang Trust
Unlike many sustainable development charities, our focus is on the Personal Development of our volunteers as well as the vital conservation and education work that we do. Our Reviews are testament to that ethos! Ulasan Relawan Apa kata Relawan kami Apply to volunteer Tidak seperti banyak badan amal pembangunan berkelanjutan, fokus kami adalah pada Pengembangan Pribadi sukarelawan kami serta pekerjaan konservasi dan pendidikan penting yang kami lakukan. Ulasan kami adalah bukti etos itu! Kami mengadakan malam memasak mingguan di The Trust, berenang bersama tim di sungai, mengadakan malam kuis untuk mengumpulkan dana di desa setempat, menghadiri pernikahan dan perayaan, makan malam di berbagai warung dan restoran, menari dan bernyanyi diiringi musik live di Bukit Lawang, berlari dan ikut serta dalam kelas kebugaran, berpetualang bersama tim di akhir pekan, menikmati akhir pekan membangun tim bersama, mengikuti kelas Bahasa Indonesia, mencoba lokakarya lokal dan masih banyak lagi... Apply to volunteer Got a Question? We would love to hear from you! You can email us at info@bukitlawangtrust.org
- Cerita kami | Bukit Lawang Trust
Find out about the Bukit Lawang Trust and our 17 years of environmental Conservation & Sustainable Development work accross rural North Sumatra. Learn about our history and meet the team on the ground right now! Cerita Kami Kami telah melayani komunitas Bukit Lawang dan banyak komunitas pedesaan di sekitarnya di Sumatera Utara selama lebih dari 17 tahun. Ini cerita kita. Bukit Lawang Trust didirikan sebagai tanggapan atas banjir bandang pada tahun 2003. Banjir tersebut, yang kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh penebangan liar di Hutan, menghancurkan sebagian besar Bukit Lawang dan menewaskan lebih dari 240 orang, menyebabkan sekitar 1.400 orang kehilangan rumah. Pendiri dan Pengawas Rebecca Coley telah mengunjungi desa tersebut beberapa bulan sebelum banjir dan memutuskan untuk mengambil tindakan untuk membantu orang-orang yang dia temui dalam perjalanannya. Rebecca mulai mengumpulkan dana dan kembali bersama keluarganya untuk memberikan bantuan dasar kepada mereka yang terkena dampak. Awalnya, Trust berbentuk klinik medis yang melayani mereka yang menderita akibat bencana tersebut. Pada tahun 2007, empat belas sukarelawan dari negara asal Rebecca melakukan perjalanan ke Sumatera untuk membangun sebuah bangunan permanen untuk Trust, bersama dengan masyarakat lokal dan dukungan dari Jersey Overseas Aid Commission. Pada tahun 2014, Ruang Baca Richard Cann ditambahkan ke pusat kami yang sudah ada, setelah kematian tragis seorang teman dekat Trust, dan menjadi sukarelawan di Proyek Kesehatan Orangutan setempat. Richard, yang berusia 24 tahun, adalah teman banyak di Trust dan kami sangat berterima kasih atas sumbangan dan dukungan dari Richard Cann Wildlife Foundation selama bertahun-tahun. Ruang Baca Richard Cann terus menghormati kecintaan Richard pada satwa liar, menyediakan pusat penjangkauan konservasi di komunitas lokal. Pada tahun 2020 ruang baca The Richard Cann menjadi perpustakaan konservasi yang akan terbuka untuk siapa saja di komunitas pasca COVID-19. Mengapa memilih Bukit Lawang Trust? Apa yang Membuat Kepercayaan itu Spesial? Selama bertahun-tahun, Trust telah menyentuh hati banyak relawan, pengunjung, dan yang paling penting masyarakat setempat. Masyarakat Bukit Lawang dan daerah sekitarnya adalah jantung dari semua yang kami lakukan. Semua program kami dirancang dengan berkonsultasi dengan masyarakat lokal, untuk kepentingan masyarakat lokal dan memang juga difasilitasi dan disampaikan oleh staf lokal. Karena kami adalah badan amal skala kecil, kami dapat menjamin bahwa semua uang yang disumbangkan ke Trust akan diberikan kepada mereka yang paling membutuhkannya, dan bukan untuk gaji staf internasional, biaya administrasi atau pengeluaran. The Trust, meskipun didanai secara internasional, benar-benar digerakkan secara lokal. 17 tahun dalam pembuatan: Sejak tahun 2003 Bukit Lawang Trust telah mendukung komunitas perbatasan di sepanjang tepi Ekosistem Leuser yang terancam punah. Program kami telah dikembangkan selama bertahun-tahun dan dalam kemitraan dengan berbagai LSM dan penyedia pendidikan untuk memastikan bahwa pendidikan yang Anda berikan pada penempatan Anda tidak ada duanya! Kemitraan & Kolaborasi: Kami bekerja dengan komunitas mitra proyek untuk memberikan program konservasi dan pendidikan berstandar tinggi, lihat semua mitra kami di bagian bawah halaman beranda. Fleksibilitas: Dengan hingga lima 'siklus sukarelawan' setiap tahun, pemesanan kami sepenuhnya fleksibel. Kami juga menawarkan pembatalan dan penjadwalan ulang gratis hingga 30 hari sebelum tanggal mulai penempatan Anda, untuk memberi Anda ketenangan ekstra. Ulasan Luar Biasa: Ulasan sukarelawan kami berbicara sendiri! Cari tahu pendapat relawan kami dengan memeriksa halaman 'Ulasan' di menu atas. Jaringan Alumni: Jaringan alumni baru kami dan aksi yang didukung penuh di proyek rumah memastikan bahwa petualangan Anda tidak berakhir pada akhir penempatan Anda. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, kunjungi halaman Alumni kami! Peluang Digital: Karena kami memahami bahwa tidak semua orang punya waktu atau uang untuk bepergian ke Indonesia, kami menawarkan peran digital unik untuk pejuang lingkungan kami yang bersemangat di garis depan! Keluarga Akar Rumput: Kami bangga menjadi keluarga akar rumput, dan itulah mengapa semua staf Internasional kami adalah sukarelawan tanpa bayaran yang berdedikasi berdasarkan pilihan, untuk memungkinkan kami menginvestasikan sebagian besar sumbangan langsung kepada orang-orang yang paling membutuhkannya! Selain itu, semua program kami dirancang, sejak hari pertama, dengan masukan dari komunitas, mereka akan mendapatkan manfaat, untuk memastikan bahwa kebutuhan komunitas lokal selalu menjadi inti dari semua yang kami lakukan. Konservasi Lingkungan: Pelestarian lingkungan adalah inti dari semua yang kami lakukan, dan kami bangga berbagi inisiatif luar biasa yang kami jalankan di Sumatera Utara. Dengan mendukung Pembibitan Pohon & mengimbangi emisi karbon kami dan emisi penerbangan relawan kami, kami secara langsung mendukung regenerasi ekosistem yang terancam punah ini. Di sini, di Trust, kami dengan bangga mendukung etos konservasi regeneratif, dan percaya bahwa keberlanjutan hanyalah permulaan, tujuan kami adalah meregenerasi Bumi dan lingkungan alaminya. Cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang apa yang kami lakukan untuk melindungi lingkungan alam dan melestarikan Ekosistem Leuser yang terancam punah dengan mengklik tombol di bawah ini!
- Konservasi | Bukit Lawang Trust
The Gunung Leuser Ecosystem Satu-satunya tempat yang tersisa di dunia di mana harimau, gajah, orangutan, dan badak hidup bersama di alam liar: Situs Warisan Dunia Ekosistem Leuser di pulau Sumatra, Indonesia. Ekosistem Leuser membentang seluas 2,6 juta hektar (6 juta acre). Lanskapnya yang beragam meliputi hutan hujan dataran rendah dan pegunungan, sembilan sungai, tiga danau, dan lebih dari 185.000 hektar lahan gambut yang kaya akan karbon. Sebagai salah satu hutan hujan utuh yang tersisa di seluruh Indonesia, kawasan ini merupakan sumber air minum dan mata pencaharian pertanian yang sangat penting bagi lebih dari empat juta orang. Palm Oil: The Facts Kami di Bukit Lawang Trust percaya bahwa menjaga lingkungan alam dan melindungi planet Bumi bukan hanya pekerjaan segelintir individu, tetapi tanggung jawab setiap orang. Itulah sebabnya, setiap program yang kami jalankan dibangun berdasarkan 17 tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Dengan melakukan ini, kami memastikan bahwa pekerjaan luar biasa yang dilakukan para sukarelawan dalam program kami tidak hanya membuat perubahan positif yang bertahan lama, tetapi juga bekerja untuk pelestarian dan perlindungan lingkungan alam kita. Anda memiliki kekuatan! Jika Anda ingin membuat pilihan yang lebih terinformasi saat berbelanja, klik logo di bawah ini Want to know more about palm oil? Click the links to find out more!
- Charity Jobs | Work at the Bukit Lawang Trust
Check out the amazing staff opportunities we have with our team in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Start your next adventure today, apply for the Bukit Lawang Trust. Lowongan Bukit Lawang Trust Jadilah perubahan yang ingin Anda lihat Di sini, di Bukit Lawang Trust kami menghargai tenaga kerja lokal yang beragam dan menerima lamaran dari semua sektor dan semua negara di seluruh dunia. orang Kami menawarkan tempat kerja yang menarik, menantang, dan dinamis bagi staf kami untuk tumbuh dan mengembangkan keterampilan mereka, bekerja menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan & Konservasi Lingkungan dengan menginspirasi kaum muda dan inisiatif lokal untuk bertindak. Kami mendorong pembelajaran dan pengembangan staf dan mendorong perkembangan karir internal. Tim internasional kami yang terdiri dari para konservasionis yang berdedikasi dan bersemangat menjadikan Bukit Lawang Trust tempat yang sangat menarik untuk bekerja. Tertarik untuk bergabung? lihat lowongan kami saat ini di bawah .. Koordinator Proyek - Konservasi: Koordinator Proyek untuk Konservasi di Bukit Lawang Trust adalah pekerjaan paruh waktu baru yang menarik di hub kami di Bukit, Lawang Sumatera Utara. orang Koordinator Proyek untuk Konservasi bertanggung jawab atas penyampaian sesi pendidikan konservasi sebagai bagian dari Trusts Conservation Programme (termasuk Youth Ranger, Youth Led Sustainable Enterprise Program & Ecological Farming & Permaculture Program). orang PC for Conservation akan bekerja bersama Manajer Program untuk menyampaikan Tujuan Programatis Bukit Lawang Trusts, dan membantu dalam pengelolaan dan Pelatihan Relawan Konservasi. orang Manfaatnya meliputi; gaji lokal yang kompetitif, Akomodasi, Makanan, Transportasi, Visa Sposorship, Transfer Bandara, dan yang terpenting, Anda bisa tinggal di tepi Ekosistem Leuser, surga tropis dan tempat terakhir di Bumi di mana Anda dapat menemukan Harimau, Orangutan , Gajah, Macan Tutul & Beruang hidup bersama di alam liar. Lokasi: Bukit Lawang, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. orang Gaji: Gaji lokal yang kompetitif. orang Tanggal Penutupan: 01/04/2021 11.59PM orang Wawancara Dari: 05/04/2020 orang Status Aplikasi: Buka! Untuk melamar, email CV dan surat lamaran Anda kepada kami selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal 1 April 2021. Kirimkan lamaran Anda kepada kami di bukitlawangtrustcenter@gmail.com dengan subjek 'Koordinator Program - Aplikasi Konservasi'. Koordinator Proyek - Konservasi: Koordinator Proyek untuk Konservasi di Bukit Lawang Trust adalah pekerjaan paruh waktu baru yang menarik di hub kami di Bukit, Lawang Sumatera Utara. orang Koordinator Proyek untuk Konservasi bertanggung jawab atas penyampaian sesi pendidikan konservasi sebagai bagian dari Trusts Conservation Programme (termasuk Youth Ranger, Youth Led Sustainable Enterprise Program & Ecological Farming & Permaculture Program). orang PC for Conservation akan bekerja bersama Manajer Program untuk menyampaikan Tujuan Programatis Bukit Lawang Trusts, dan membantu dalam pengelolaan dan Pelatihan Relawan Konservasi. orang Manfaatnya meliputi; gaji lokal yang kompetitif, Akomodasi, Makanan, Transportasi, Visa Sposorship, Transfer Bandara, dan yang terpenting, Anda bisa tinggal di tepi Ekosistem Leuser, surga tropis dan tempat terakhir di Bumi di mana Anda dapat menemukan Harimau, Orangutan , Gajah, Macan Tutul & Beruang hidup bersama di alam liar. Lokasi: Bukit Lawang, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. orang Gaji: Gaji lokal yang kompetitif. orang Tanggal Penutupan: 01/04/2021 11.59PM orang Wawancara Dari: 05/04/2020 orang Status Aplikasi: Buka! Find out More.... To find out more or to ask any questions about this role contact our team at info@bukitlawangtrust.org Ready to apply? To apply, send your CV & Cover letter to us at info@bukitlawangtrust.org
- Volunteer Online | Digital Opportunities
Make a real and lasting difference and help facilitate environmental conservation and sustainable Human development from the comfort and safety of your own home! Peluang Digital! Ingin melakukan sedikit, tetapi tidak dapat berkomitmen untuk penempatan di Indonesia? orang Mengapa tidak memeriksa Peluang Digital kami di profil Program di bawah ini! Semua peluang digital kami memberi Anda kesempatan untuk membuat perbedaan di waktu luang Anda dari kenyamanan rumah! Koordinator Proyek - Konservasi: Lokasi: Bukit Lawang, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. orang Gaji: Gaji lokal yang kompetitif. orang Tanggal Penutupan: 01/04/2021 11.59PM orang Wawancara Dari: 05/04/2020 orang Status Aplikasi: Buka! Koordinator Proyek untuk Konservasi di Bukit Lawang Trust adalah pekerjaan paruh waktu baru yang menarik di hub kami di Bukit, Lawang Sumatera Utara. orang Koordinator Proyek untuk Konservasi bertanggung jawab atas penyampaian sesi pendidikan konservasi sebagai bagian dari Trusts Conservation Programme (termasuk Youth Ranger, Youth Led Sustainable Enterprise Program & Ecological Farming & Permaculture Program). orang PC for Conservation akan bekerja bersama Manajer Program untuk menyampaikan Tujuan Programatis Bukit Lawang Trusts, dan membantu dalam pengelolaan dan Pelatihan Relawan Konservasi. orang Manfaatnya meliputi; gaji lokal yang kompetitif, Akomodasi, Makanan, Transportasi, Visa Sposorship, Transfer Bandara, dan yang terpenting, Anda bisa tinggal di tepi Ekosistem Leuser, surga tropis dan tempat terakhir di Bumi di mana Anda dapat menemukan Harimau, Orangutan , Gajah, Macan Tutul & Beruang hidup bersama di alam liar. Want to know more? Email us at info@bukitlawangtrust.org or live chat with us on the button at the bottom of your screen Ready to apply? To apply email us your CV and a brief motivations letter to info@bukitlawangtrust.org before the closing date. APPLY NOW Manajer Program - Konservasi: Saat ini kami sedang mencari ahli lingkungan yang bersemangat dengan pengalaman dalam konservasi dan pengelolaan sukarela untuk bergabung dengan tim kami yang luar biasa di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. orang PM untuk Konservasi bertanggung jawab atas kepemimpinan operasional Program Konservasi kami, manajemen relawan & staf, dan kepemimpinan keseluruhan Hub kami di Bukit Lawang, bersama sesama PM. orang Manfaatnya meliputi; gaji lokal yang kompetitif, Akomodasi, Makanan, Transportasi, Visa Sposorship, Transfer Bandara, dan yang terpenting, Anda bisa tinggal di tepi Ekosistem Leuser, surga tropis dan tempat terakhir di Bumi di mana Anda dapat menemukan Harimau, Orangutan , Gajah, Macan Tutul & Beruang hidup bersama di alam liar. Lokasi: Bukit Lawang, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. orang Gaji: Gaji lokal yang kompetitif. orang Tanggal Penutupan: 01/03/2021 11.59PM orang Wawancara Dari: 08/03/2020 orang Status Aplikasi: Buka! Want to know more? Email us at info@bukitlawangtrust.org or live chat with us on the button at the bottom of your screen! Ready to apply? To apply email us your CV and a brief motivations letter to info@bukitlawangtrust.org before the closing date. APPLY NOW Ada pertanyaan? Jangan khawatir! kami senang mendengar dari Anda! Anda dapat mengirim email kepada kami di bukitlawangtrustcenter@gmail.com atau mengobrol dengan kami secara langsung dengan mengklik ikon obrolan di kanan bawah layar Anda. Untuk Melamar - Email CV & Surat Lamaran Anda kepada kami di bukitlawangtrustcenter@gmail.com Ingatlah untuk mencantumkan judul pekerjaan dari peran yang Anda lamar di Subjek.
- Pertanyaan Umum | Bukit Lawang Trust
Got a questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions to find your answer. Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan Does it cost money to volunteer? We have two volunteer programmes, one for Indonesia Volunteers and one for International Volunteers. Please see the individual pages under the 'Get Involved' tab for more information. We ask all our international volunteers who come for a full 8 week cycle to raise £1000 before coming out to join us in Sumatra. Alternatively, some people choose to pay this fee if they can afford to and are not able to fundraise. We know it’s a huge amount of money but this is a very part of our funding which allows us to continue our work. You are supporting a wonderful cause and we appreciate it so much. In addition, you will need to pay for the cost of your volunteer visa, which is £180 and lasts 60 days. That brings the total cost to £1180. For most Indonesian Volunteers we have fully funded spaces available, so please get in touch for more information. What additional expenses should I expect? There are a lot of things included in your package, but there are some things you will need to pay for and factor in to your budget. International volunteers, you will need to pay for your transport to Medan Airport (we will collect your from there) Travel Insurance (for international volunteers this is essential) You will need to buy food in the evenings and at weekend (other meals are included). A meal in a local cafe, Nasi Goreng (the local dish of fried rice) or a vegetable curry, rice and a side for example costs IDR 15,000 (£0.75). There are many guesthouses in Bukit Lawang catering to tourists and meals there typically cost between IDR 50,000 (£2.50) and IDR 100,000 (£5.00) A local sim card and data for a month costs less than £5.00 Money for transport from the Trust into Bukit Lawang Town (less than a 10 minute drive) cost IDR 20,000. You will often be able to get a lift with a team member though and it's also a walkable distance if you prefer that. Can I choose the dates I want to volunteer? Yes you can, we try to be flexible with people's dates. However, if you take a look at one of our volunteer pages, you will see we have fixed dates for our 'Volunteer Cycles'. We'd strongly encourage you to apply for one of these cycles as it will make your experience better and makes life easier for us too. But we can be flexible and we'd hate to turn someone down because they couldn't fully commit to the fixed dates, so please still apply. We also offer full flexibility with your bookings. With free cancellation and rescheduling up until we have applied for your visa. At which point you we can fully refund your volunteering fees, but not the cost of your visa. You can also reschedule at any point for free up until we have applied for your visa, after which, depending on when you reschedule for, you may need to pay again for your visa costs. What's the accommodation like? During your placement, you will stay in the Trust building along with the majority of our team. We have two volunteer dorms on site at the Trust, one male and one female and there are 3 beds in each room. The accommodation is simple but adequate and we're like one big family all living together. It creates a super social and welcoming atmosphere for new arrivals. The bedrooms have some storage for your belonging, bedding is provided and there are fans also. Our placements are typically full, so you will likely be sharing your room with two other volunteers. There are three bathrooms at the Trust, a laundry room and a big communal kitchen. Our enormous roof terrace or our balcony are great places to chill or we're in walking distance of some great places to hang out if you need some time away from the Trust. There are some beautiful rivers nearby, cafes and a one bakery (a favourite of the Trust!) Do I need a VISA & what's the application process? Yes you need a volunteer visa. No one is able to volunteer at the Trust, even for a single day without a volunteer visa. Indonesia have very strict laws regarding this. The process for you is super simple though! After you have applied you'll need to send us some basic documentation and we will apply on your behalf, you don't need worry about thing. The Indonesian Volunteer Visa lasts for 60 days. It is possible to extend this visa for up to 180 days. If you wish to stay in Indonesia after you finish your placement, you have this option. Alternatively you could leave the country and re-enter on a new visa. Get in touch if you have any more questions regarding this. Do I need teaching experience to volunteer with the Trust? No, we welcome everyone! No experience is required to volunteer at the Trust, we just need people who have the following characteristics... - A willingness to help - A desire to get stuck in and work hard - People who want to support our team and work within our community - People who care about education - A recognition of education's importance in bringing about social change. What ever programme you are working on, you will be involved in teaching to some extent. So you must want to teach and be happy with the idea of working with kids and adults. We will give you all the support and training you need though and you will always be teaching with the support of our permanent staff. We will encourage you to take an active lead in classes if you want to, but we will not force it upon you or make you do things you are not ready for. Likewise, no specific relevant experience in required for the programme you choose to volunteer on. You just need to be interested in the area it focuses on. How long will it take to get there? Naturally, this depends on where you are coming from, however once you arrive at Medan airport there will be a 4 hour drive that we will arrange for you to get to Bukit Lawang. You'll be picked up along with your fellow volunteers. Do you have WIFI? Yes! we have WIFI at the Trust. There is also WIFI available at many of the guest houses and restaurants around the village, so you won't have any trouble staying connected. We will also give you information on how to get your phone registered at the airport so that you can buy a local sim card and use data. What are the working hours? We all work, volunteers included, from 08:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday but with some later starts and the very odd late finish. We have standard 2 hour lunch break from 12:00-14:00 but on some days you will need to start at back at 13:00. We do expect you during this time to be ready and available to work. We do have a very open, communicative and supportive working environment though, so if you are ever feeling run down, in need of a rest or at risk of feeling overworked, you can always speak to us and we will give you the time you need. We know volunteers want to keep busy and get involved with as much as possible, but it's important to look after yourself and not push too hard! Your weekends are free to go out and explore, however we sometimes arrange optional activities like treks, river trips, canyoning or camping. But if you prefer to relax and chill you are welcome to do your own thing. Can I pay the fundraising target myself? Yes you can. We'd always encourage some fundraising, but we completely understand that people won't always have the time or resources to do so. If you need any support or suggestions for fundraising, please get in touch. Is volunteering with the BLT ethical? It's imperative for us that our volunteering experiences are ethical 🌿⚖️ 1. Our volunteers are able to work closely alongside the community we serve, learning from them and experiencing their traditions and customs. Volunteers really have the chance to become integrated in the local way of life. 2. All our work has sustainability at its heart and volunteers will support us in delivering education programmes that are focused on the long term development of our community and the region. 3. We work with local partners, locally founded NGOs, individuals, Eco Tourism companies and education providers to ensure we are as best as possible delivering education that is wanted and supported by our community. We take guidance from our staff, the majority of are from Indonesia, and we lean on their expertise and knowledge to support and guide us in all our endeavours. 4. We will as best as possible match all our volunteers' skills and experience to the most relevant programme that we offer. In addition we will provide as much training and support as necessary, so volunteers feel confident and ready to work on our programmes. 5. Our volunteers add a meaningful contribution to the Trust and our local community and there is no risk of disruption to the community through their presence. To ensure this we run sessions on cultural diversity and sensitivity during the induction week and ensure volunteers understand the impact their presence could have they behaved in the wrong way. 6. We aim to minimize our environmental impact as best as possible. Whilst it's impossible to negate all impact, such as that from international volunteers travelling from other countries, we take every step to reduce where we can. Sustainability and conservation are core goals of the Trust too and we actively promote the protection of the environment, whether this be from teaching about reducing waste and how to recycle in our Youth Ranger classes to spreading knowledge about sustainable and organic farming practices through the Eco Farming programme. For any further questions about ethical volunteering, please get in touch.
- Youth Ranger | Bukit Lawang Trust
Youth Ranger Instructor Take the lead on our pioneering environmental conservation program. The Guardians of the Forest Youth Ranger Program! Help enable young and old to come together and make a positive difference. Work with the local people in North Sumatra to take on ownership and responsibility for the natural environment and the animal species that share it with us! APPLY NOW Placement Overview This program takes Youth Rangers through a range of workshops and interactive activities including sessions such as tree planting, forest clean up, community composting, community recycling, river crossing, Youth Rangers patrol duties and a range of ‘for environmental change’ sessions. These workshops are delivered both at the Trust and at our target communities in Batu Rongring, Batu Katak, Bukit Lawang, KenditrLanbau and Bohorok. The program gives our Youth Rangers opportunities to learn about what is happening in and around the Tropical Leuser Ecosystem here in North Sumatra, its major threats and ways to protect it. Your Impact As a Youth Ranger Instructor you will be on the front line of environmental conservation. You will take the lead in training the next generation of Jungle Rangers to protect severely endangered species of animal such as the Sumatran Tiger, Elephant, Leopard, Rhinoceros, Orangutan & Sun Bears. Teach your students the basics of navigation, silent communication, animal recognition and tracking, flora and fauna species and much more! Be a part of a global movement that is changing the way we see endangered species and habitats for generations to come! Placement Highlights Here at the Bukit Lawang Trust we believe that education is the first step towards inspiring and nurturing large scale climate action. Those that do not know about climate change cannot fight against it. This is why we teamed up with the amazing people at Darwin Animal Doctors to create this pioneering environmental conservation programme that directly targets future generations of conservationists! Join the program that has had global success and join our dedicated team of conservationists and volunteers working on the thin green line to protect endangered species of animal and the ecosystems they call home! Our YR programme is an outstanding stepping stone for a career in environmental conservation. We pride ourselves in our bespoke staff training and support. As a volunteer on the YR program you will receive comprehensive training at the beginning of your placement & 1 to 1 support from our experienced management team, throughout your placement! "5 stars out of 5 stars!" Nuria Golter, Conservation Volunteer Our community centre is situated in the small community of Gotong Royong near Bukit Lawang, on the very edge of the Gunung Leuser National Park. One of the most severely endangered tropical ecosystems on the planet & a UNESCO world heritage site. The Leuser Ecosystem is the last place on Earth where one can find Orangutans, Tigers, Rhinoceros, Elephants, Clouded Leopards & Sun Bears living together in the wild. Every one of our placements includes a two day expedition into the Tropical Jungle! Alongside your work as a Youth Ranger, you will also have the opportunity to participate in a range of traditional workshops including organic soap making, bamboo weaving, tree planting, Eco brick making and traditional Indonesian cooking classes! "Being Able to volunteer with the Bukit Lawang Trust was the experience of a lifetime! Tony Damico, Conservation Volunteer United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Dates & Placements 2025 Orangutan Cycle: 10th January - 7th March Tiger Cycle: 4th April - 30th May Elephant Cycle: 6th June - 1st August Leopard Cycle: 22nd Aug - 17th Oct Rhino Cycle: 24th Oct - 19th Dec Duration - 8 Weeks Volunteering Fundraising target - £1000 If you'd be interested in joining us this year, but you cannot completely commit to the dates on one of the above cycles, please apply anyway and we can discuss a time period that would work for you. Got a Question? We would love to hear from you! You can email us at info@bukitlawangtrust.org APPLY NOW
- Home | Bukit Lawang Trust | Education and Conservation | Indonesia
The Bukit Lawang Trust delivers free English, Conservation, Sustainable Business and Eco-farming programmes help to build stronger, more resilient communities while helping to protect severely endangered ecosystems in North Sumatra. Kami adalah BUKIT LAWANG TRUST Kami adalah sebuah lembaga amal Pendidikan & Konservasi yang berbasis di daerah Sumatera Utara, Indonesia Program Sukarelawan Indonesia Program Sukarelawan Internasional Baca Buletin Kami Disini Misi Kami Untuk memfasilitasi keseimbangan yang berkelanjutan secara ekonomi dan lingkungan antara manusia dan ekosistem alami yang terancam punah melalui berbagai program pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Kami menyediakan pendidikan berkualitas tinggi dan gratis kepada masyarakat yang dijalankan oleh tim lokal kami dan didukung oleh relawan. Program-program kami meliputi: Konservasi Kelas Bahasa Inggris Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) Pertanian Ekologis Bisnis Berkelanjutan Obrolan Wanita Kelompok Bermain Kelas Olahraga Program-program kami membantu membangun komunitas yang lebih kuat dan tangguh sambil mendukung upaya untuk melindungi ekosistem yang terancam punah. Bantu kami memberikan pendidikan gratis kepada ratusan orang yang tinggal di pedesaan Sumatra Utara dan dukung kami dalam melanjutkan upaya konservasi. Bergabunglah sebagai relawan atau berikan donasi. Dampak Kami Kemitraan untuk Tujuan Lebih dari 332.800 jam kerja sukarelawan! Bukit Lawang Trust saat ini bermitra dengan 22 badan amal dan inisiatif konservasi lingkungan yang berbeda di seluruh dunia. Dengan pengalaman 20 tahun termasuk program konservasi lingkungan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan di Sumatra Utara, sukarelawan kami sudah pasti telah meluangkan waktu dengan sepenuh hati! 20 tahun pengabdian di lebih dari 10 komunitas pedesaan Sejak tahun 2003, Bukit Lawang Trust telah melayani masyarakat Sumatra Utara dalam berbagai program bantuan kemanusiaan, pembangunan berkelanjutan, konservasi lingkungan, pendidikan, dan manajemen sumber daya alam! Bagaimana cara menjadi relawan di Bukit Lawang Trust? Tell me more! Relawan di Inggris Check out our range of volunteer opportunities in the UK, from managing and coordinating volunteers and large scale events to creating content on your laptop at home, we've got something for everyone! Contact us to find our more info. More Info Come to live and work with us in Sumatra! This is a once in in life time experience and you'll help us to deliver our work and support the communities we work with. Click for more information about the programmes we offer, how to apply and what's included. More Info Relawan di Sumatra Got a degree in Environmental Conservation, Sustainable Development, International Development or something similar? Put your knowledge and skills to use as one of our Expert Advisors. The Bukit Lawang Trust board of advisors guide us in everything we do. Working alongside the board of Trustees and the Operations team, as an advisor you would have significant input into our delivery, operations and international portfolio. More Info Menjadi Penasihat Ahli Terlibat Bermitra Dengan Kami Bermitra Dengan Kami .. Kami selalu bersemangat untuk bekerja sama dengan organisasi lain, LSM, dan Masyarakat. Kirim email kepada kami untuk melihat bagaimana kami dapat bekerja sama! Contact Us Here Dukung Kami Klik link donasi di bagian bawah halaman atau lihat cara lain yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membantu dengan mengklik tombol di bawah! Donate Dukung Kami Daftar untuk mendapatkan buletin kami Enter your email address Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! Our Partners
- Daftar Sebagai Relawan | Bukit Lawang Trust
Mendaftar sebagai Relawan International Volunteers Relawan Indonesia Siklus Relawan Mendatang 2 0 2 5 Orangutan Cycle: 10th January - 7th March Tiger Cycle: 4th April - 30th May Elephant Cycle: 6th June - 1st August Leopard Cycle: 22nd Aug - 17th Oct Rhino Cycle: 24th Oct - 19th Dec Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, tetapi Anda tidak dapat sepenuhnya berkomitmen pada salah satu siklus di atas, silakan mendaftar dan kami dapat mendiskusikan waktu yang sesuai untuk Anda. Kami hanya memposting tanggal hingga satu tahun sebelumnya, jika Anda tertarik dengan tanggal yang lebih baru, segera periksa kembali! Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai penempatan relawan kami, silakan klik salah satu tautan di bawah ini untuk melihat halaman Relawan Internasional atau Relawan Indonesia. Daftar Sekarang Choose your preferred cycle * Elephant Cycle Leopard Cycle Rhino Cycle How did you hear about us Choose your preferred programme * English as a Second Language Sustainable Business Youth Ranger Eco Farming Kindergarten (TK) Kirimkan Terima kasih telah melamar! Salah satu tim kami akan segera menghubungi untuk mengatur obrolan telepon atau video Anda!
- Charity Jobs | Work at the Bukit Lawang Trust
Check out the amazing staff opportunities we have with our team in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Start your next adventure today, apply for the Bukit Lawang Trust. Bukit Lawang Trust Vacancies Join the team Join the team 1/6 Di Bukit Lawang Trust, kami menghargai tenaga kerja yang beragam dan dipimpin oleh tenaga kerja lokal dan menerima lamaran dari semua sektor dan semua negara di seluruh dunia. Kami menawarkan tempat kerja yang menarik, menantang, dan dinamis bagi staf kami untuk tumbuh dan mengembangkan keterampilan mereka. Kami bekerja untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan & pelestarian lingkungan dengan menginspirasi dan mendidik generasi muda dan mengambil tindakan dengan menggunakan inisiatif lokal. Kami mendorong pengembangan dan pembelajaran staf dan bertujuan untuk pengembangan karier internal. Tim internasional kami yang terdiri dari para ahli konservasi yang berdedikasi dan bersemangat menjadikan Bukit Lawang Trust sebagai tempat yang sangat menarik untuk bekerja. Tertarik untuk bergabung, lihat lowongan kerja kami saat ini di bawah ini. Volunteer with us If you're interested in volunteering with us instead, please click below for more information and to apply.