International Volunteers
International Volunteers, we need you! We are looking for English speaking volunteers to support us in delivering education in North Sumatra, Indonesia. We are based on the edge of the Gunung Leuser National Park. The last place on Earth where wild orangutans, elephants, tigers, rhinos and bears live together. All you need to be able to do is speak English, if you're keen check out the information below!

Right now we are recruiting volunteers to support our English as a Foreign Language Programme (EFL). We are currently looking for people for our 2025 cycles. Dates below
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for to gain experience in the field of education or charity work, specifically for those people interested in conservation, the environment and community development.

The full details of the volunteer placement and everything that is included are listed below. However if you would like more information, please send an email to Info@bukitlawangtrust.org
When is the volunteer placement?
We are currently recruiting for our 2025 cycles:​
Tiger Cycle: 4th April - 30th May​
Elephant Cycle: 6th June - 1st August
Leopard Cycle: 22nd Aug - 17th Oct
Rhino Cycle: 24th Oct - 19th Dec​
We can be flexible with dates, so if you are interested please get in touch below!

What are the requirements?
You must speak fluent English...and that's pretty much it!
We ask all our international volunteers who come for a full 8 week cycle to raise £1000 before coming out to join us in Sumatra. Alternatively, some people choose to pay this fee if they can afford to and are not able to fundraise. We know it’s a huge amount of money but this is a very big part of our funding and it allows us to continue our work. You are supporting a wonderful cause and we appreciate it so much.
No experience or qualifications are needed. But what is essential is that you have a positive attitude, you are willing to work hard and get stuck into whatever is thrown at you.
You must have a desire or passion to support others and make a meaningful difference in the world
You need to be able to travel to Indonesia for a minimum of one month between June and September 2024.
You need to be able to travel to Indonesia for a minimum of one month between June and September 2024.
It's great if you care about the environment or have a love for nature. All our education programmes at the Trust have the aim of empowering local people, so that they can shape a positive, environmentally sustainable future for themselves. Specifically so that they have options to turn away from the traditional environmentally harmful industries that have decimated the region.
What is included?
Accommodation onsite in the Trust building.
Bahasa Indonesia language lessons every week.
A certificate of completion at the end of your placement and reference for future employment.​
A two day, 1 night jungle trek in the Gunung Leuser National Park where you will see wild orangutans!
All the training training your require to teach your programme, plus continued support throughout your placement.
Breakfast and lunch Monday - Friday. You will need to buy the remainder of your meals but a local meal cost £0.50 (€0.58/$0.62)
A local craft workshop, - wood carving, eco-soap making, eco-printing, bamboo weaving, cookery class, Batik design and more.